Safety Checklist for L.A. Multifamily Rental Properties

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As a Los Angeles landlord, you want to provide a safe and habitable home for all of your residents.

The Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) and the Los Angeles Department of Public Health will routinely inspect all apartment buildings with two units or more to check for safe and sanitary conditions. Your building has to be fit for habitation, and most inspectors will focus on safety issues, cleanliness, waterproof exteriors, locking mailboxes, and basic services like heat and water. They’ll make sure there is no mold and no pest issues or infestations.

When you’re renting out a property, you want to do more than the bare legal minimum. We’ve put together a safety checklist that will help you pass any city or county inspections. More importantly, it will help you attract and retain high quality tenants.

Inspect Balconies, Stairs, and Walkways

Your checklist should start with exterior items. Balconies and stairs are found in many multifamily properties throughout Los Angeles. Look for corrosion of handrails or balconies and any deterioration in the concrete. Wood rot can also be a big problem, so make sure you don’t need to treat any surfaces or patios. Routine preventative maintenance can help. If you schedule annual inspections, you’ll have the peace of mind that the outside of your building is safe for residents and guests.

Look for Potential Security Issues

Keeping your residents and your property safe means ensuring there’s adequate lighting outside of the building. You don’t want tenants walking in darkness from the parking area to their home. You don’t want a lot of overgrown bushes or trees in front of the property. If you have units in a gated building or there are key controls that allow access to and from the property, make sure you’re inspecting and servicing those systems regularly.

Clean and Safe Common Areas

Whether there’s a clubhouse, elevators, a shared outdoor space, or amenities like a pool or a playground, these areas need to be maintained and safe. Look for debris or trip hazards. Make sure everything functions the way it should. Have the pool cleaned and chemical balances checked.

Prevent Fires and Floods

A major item on your safety checklist is smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Fire can be an unexpected danger, and odorless carbon monoxide from heaters and appliances can be deadly. All apartment dwellings and multifamily properties are required to have smoke detectors & carbon monoxide detectors properly installed. Check them at least twice a year and make sure your residents understand the emergency procedures if there’s a fire.

Water is another potential hazard. Check your property’s gutters and roof every year and make sure there isn’t any moisture creeping into the building. That can lead to mold, which presents health issues and expensive remediation issues. A preventative approach is far safer and more cost effective.

Document all of your safety inspections so you can demonstrate that you’re responsive to any issues that have arisen at your property. Make sure your tenants understand the importance of reporting maintenance problems right away.

If you’d like some help with a safety checklist or any Los Angeles property management, we can help. Please contact our team at MGMT Group, Inc.

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